Hi! Happy to have you here! If you went through my blog and were thrown into immediate confusion about what it is supposed to be, me too.

I initially created this account as a place to post my poems for NaPoWriMo ‘23. From the 1st of April till the 30th, this space slowly turned sacred to me. It offered me freedom, sanctuary, and purpose, and all thirty poems became valuable pieces of puzzle to my existence. So naturally, when NaPoWriMo ended, keeping this blog dormant felt wrong.

I always wanted to have a space where I was allowed to be horrifyingly candid about my deepest emotions and opinions, so this felt like a perfect opportunity. A place that allows me to be incessantly confused, whiny, bitter, lost, and hopeful. A place that allows you to be the same. I have decided to take my experiences and their emotions, the worst and the best, and turn them into pieces for you to read. And if reading them feels as cathartic to you as writing them felt to me, I will cherish that ripple forever.

Happy reading!

Subscribe to A Rhyme A Day

A poetry account turned blog turned a place where I put out pieces of me, hoping they reflect pieces of you.


Most likely to weave people into words.